Pointing People To Jesus & Purpose.
Join us Sundays at 10am, in-person or online:
IN-PERSON: Gather with us at Carlynton High School.
ONLINE: Join us on our Online Platform to watch our service and interact with our hosts.
Our Sunday service follows this format:
DELIGHT: Delight in Him through praise & worship.
DISCOVER: Hear a sermon from our teaching team.
DISCUSS: Discuss in groups for a few minutes.
DEPLOY: A moment of closing prayer.
Learn more about what each experience looks like:
This Season at a Glance
We’re having Church In Homes this Sunday, March 30 and Church At Our Future Home next Sunday, April 6! There is a school play at our current home, Carlynton HS, on these 2 Sundays, so we’re gathering in homes and on the hill. Here's all the details:
Church In Homes: Sunday, March 30 at 10am
If you signed up for a Host Home, stay tuned for a leader from the hosts. If you aren't attending a host home, we still encourage you to have church in your home! A YouTube sermon from PZ will release Sunday morning. Watch it, think about it, do communion, spend some time in prayer & worship... Whatever you can do to make the morning a special time with the Lord.
Church At Our Future Home: Sunday, April 6 at 11am
We are so excited to be heading back to our land for a tent service! Here are a few things to make note of to prepare for service:
Here is most accurate LOCATION: Google Maps Address Link. And, here is the address for other GPS Apps: 183 Baldwin Road Extension, Carnegie, PA 15106.
BRING your own lawn chair or picnic blanket and your "all terrain" shoes.
Take note of the WEATHER leading up to the service. The tent will have walls and heaters! But still, dress accordingly.
Make sure you're watching your SPEED as you drive to service. The roads near our land are residential, and we want to make sure we are respectful of our neighbors.
PETS are not permitted on the premises. Please keep your fur babies at home.
Stay connected on our EMAILS and SOCIAL MEDIA for last minute updates in the case of inclement weather.
GOOD FRIDAY & EASTER SUNDAY: Friday, April 18 & Sunday, April 20
Join us for Easter Weekend at Hill City! We'll remember greatest sacrifice ever made, Jesus' death, and celebrate the greatest victory, His resurrection.
Location for Both Services:
Carlynton High School - 435 Kings Hwy, Carnegie, PA 15106
Good Friday Service:
✦Friday, April 18 at 6:30pm, In-Person Only
✦We'll gather for a reflective and somber service, including stations of the cross, acoustic-style worship, & communion.
✦This is a family service, but childcare will be available for ages 0-5.
✦This reflective time remembering His sacrifice will allow us to more fully celebrate the resurrection on Sunday.
Easter Sunday Service:
✦Sunday, April 20 at 10am, In-Person AND Online
✦We will joyfully celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together.
✦Our Hill City Kids will enjoy a fun Easter lesson, themed snack, a game, & activities!
✦We'll also have a photo area, pastries, & a coffee bar.
JAC 2025 (Jesus Adventure Camp): June 23-27
We're so excited to be apart of JAC 2025! JAC (Jesus Adventure Camp) is a 5-day summer youth camp for students in grades 6 through 12 that's purpose is to teach teens how to live the daily Jesus adventure. JAC is full of powerful worship sessions and messages and tons of fun games, activities, and events. Any student or leader who has gone in the past knows... It's going to be the best week of summer! So parents, don't miss this opportunity to send your students to camp. Here is the JAC 2024 highlight video that you can watch for a better look into what JAC is like: https://youtu.be/BD0hvhjzb0Q?si=DAGNY7V1JA6wjsWw
WHO? Students Currently in Grades 6-12
WHEN? Monday, June 23 - Friday, June 27
WHERE? Jumonville Camp & Retreat Center
SIGN UP? Email JAC@HillCityPGH.com to get the process started. To guarantee your students spot, you MUST sign them up by Sunday, May 4.
MISSION TRIPS: Peru & Africa Sign-Ups Open
Hill City is headed on Mission Trips this year! Our sign-ups for both our Peru and Africa Mission Trips are open! Be sure to sign-up by Friday, April 4.
WHO: Anyone
WHEN: July 12 - 19
WHERE: Lima, Peru
APPROXIMATE COST: $2600 for airfare plus all expenses
WHO: Experienced Trip
WHEN: July 19 - 29
WHERE: Kenya, Africa
PARTNER ORGANIZATION: SOS and Champion Life Church
APPROXIMATE COST: $3700 for airfare plus all expenses
DISCIPLESHIP TRACK: It’s Not Too Late To Join!
Both our Hill City Girls and our Hill City Dudes are going through the Discipleship Track in 2025! We are a relational, discipleship church. And, that’s why we’re so excited for both our ladies and men to spend time both building friendships with each other AND growing spiritually together.
WHEN & WHERE: The girls and dudes will meet alternating Thursdays at HQ from 6-8pm for 7 sessions each. Ladies start February 6 and end May 1. Dudes start February 13 and end May 7. Even if you missed the first meeting, it is not too late to join! Just sign-up below. There will be a summer break, and the groups will continue in the fall.
WHAT: The nights will consist of some relational time to hangout and have some food and drinks, and then we'll dive into the discpleship content.
WHO: Ages 16 & up! There’s a stage of discipleship for everyone - whether you’re a brand new follower of Jesus OR you’ve been following Jesus your whole life. No matter what stage you're in, all stages will meet these nights and then split into individual groups throughout HQ!
SIGN UP: Sign-ups are open! We'll have you fill out a form that will guide us in helping you figure out which stage of discipleship is the right fit for you.
Our team and discpleship leaders are getting so excited this new year of Discpleship!
TABLE TALK: New Release With Joanna Isaac
A Table Talk is OUT NOW with Joanna Isaac. She shares her family's story of persecution and surveil from the underground church. As you'll see below, she and her father are also sharing at an event for students later this month. Checkout the Table Talk out now on YouTube!
NEW TO HILL CITY? Come To The Point!
If you're NEW to Hill City, looking for NEXT STEPS, or wanting to join our Discpleship Track, join us for The Point on the first Sunday of the month right after service! The Point is meant to POINT you to Jesus and purpose by telling you more about who we are, our mission, vision, & values, and your next steps you can take with us.
WHEN? First Sunday of the month, right after service
WHERE? Carlynton High School in a classroom. Pastor Zack will show you where to go!
WHO? Those who are NEW to Hill City, haven't jumped into our Discipleship Track, are wanting to know more about us, and/or are wanting next steps.